“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.”
― Jane Goodall
Why this film?
We envision a world designed for all of us to thrive - humans and animals alike. Forever Home shows what that world could look like, and why creating it is an urgent, necessary mission.

Factory Farming Harms All of Us
Factory farming puts animals at the center of a cruel system designed to maximize profits and feed the demand for cheap meat. From birth to an early death, animals are forced to endure filthy conditions, severe confinement, overcrowding, and mutilations –– all of which cause them physical and mental anguish.
When animals are treated like commodities rather than living, feeling beings, the result is a food system that causes immense harm –– not just to animals, but to the humans trapped in this system too, to all who share this planet, and even to future generations. Factory farming is a leading contributor to the climate crisis, species extinction, deforestation, and more.
Ending factory farming is one of the most pressing challenges of our time. It requires creativity, innovation, and a whole lot of compassion. Forever Home shows us how to build a path forward!
We can all stand against factory farming every day by shifting to a plant-based diet.
A note from the director...
While shooting my prior film, The Last Pig, we filmed eight young pigs who were saved from slaughter. I was deeply moved by their stories and by the sanctuaries that rescued them.
A year later, I met Paul and Lenore at a screening of the film. Paul told me about Piedmont Refuge and their “animal-centered design.” I fell in love! I immediately envisioned a film about his beautiful architecture and their work to meet the needs of each individual animal they rescue.
I've been speaking out for animals for over 30 years through my films. From gorillas to elephants to endangered frogs and horseshoe crabs, I believe that all beings have a right to a healthy, peaceful existence on this planet. Forever Home combines three things I'm passionate about: the well-being of nonhuman animals, sustainability, and creativity.
Forever Home is all about looking to the future and building a better world for all of us. If our mission speaks to you, I hope you'll join us!